QVMS Client Manual
As your system gets upgraded to the new QVMS system, the QVMS Client Manual will help answer questions such as how to log in for the first time, navigate in the new user interface, and how to set up custom camera views. 

If you have any questions regarding the QVMS upgrade, please email: [email protected].  This message will go to both Brian Gilbert and Erin Frisch.  Once of us will get back to you.

Colorado State University is committed to providing a secure environment for members of its community and protecting personal safety and property.  Electronic surveillance systems are an important tool in this effort.  Such technologies, however, have the potential for abuse and must be used to meet the University’s legitimate needs for security and compliance, in a manner that is sensitive to interests of privacy, freedom of assembly and freedom of expression.  CSU allows the use of approved electronic surveillance systems through a defined process, subject to rules and procedures governing equipment installation, access to, storage, security and use of the resulting recorded data. Please review the Electronic Surveillance Systems policy which details guidelines and processes to request department camera installation, access to cameras, and video footage.

Installation and maintenance fees related to camera requests for a department or auxiliary will be paid with departmental or auxiliary funds.  Other cameras are funded by the Security Technology Committee on a qualifying needs basis. These cameras are defined by the committee as General Campus Security (UGCS) cameras.

Installation, licensing and annual fees include:

  • Camera cost and Installation – quote provided by Facilities Management (FM) Remodeling and Construction
  • Annual Software Fees – cost per camera determined by software vendor
  • Base License Annual Fees – paid by the Security Technology Committee
  • Annual Video Server Support – cost per camera and changes annually depending on how many cameras are on the system

Once a funding source has been identified, a formal request must be submitted to the Security Technology Committee by clicking on “Start a New Camera Request” on the CSU Camera Dashboard.  Quotation requests for budgetary estimates are a part of the “New Camera Request” process.

After funding has been secured, a “New Camera Request” has been submitted and an installation quote generated, then the request goes to the Security Technology Committee (STC) for review.  The STC will review all camera requests, either for installation of an individual camera or group of cameras.

If the camera request is approved, viewer profiles and Client Software application installation on end-user computers will occur.

In order to view the cameras, you must request access to the system, which is separate from the “New Camera Request” on the CSU Camera Dashboard. Click  “Request Camera Access” to begin the Camera Access Training and to complete the request process.  Before the STC approves any person’s access, a background check is required.  Background checks will be performed every 3 years for individuals approved to export footage.  All others with live/browse access will have background checks every 5 years.  Police personnel are exempt from STC background checks, due to more in depth backgrounds required for their positions.

The Client software is the application through which the individual may view the cameras.

The Client software applications will only be installed if approved by the STC.  Viewing restrictions are highly regulated (see Electronic Surveillance Systems Policy). 

Client software installations can be arranged through the local IT group within each department in coordination with DOIT (Division of IT).  Updates to these programs will be coordinated through DOIT as server versions and patches are implemented.

The “Request New Footage” form on the CSU Camera Dashboard must be submitted to the STC Chair for footage export approval.
Please review the Electronic Surveillance Systems policy before requesting camera footage.

  1. Release of Recorded Data:
    1. Requests for external release of recorded data must be approved by the STC Chair, who will consult with the Office of the General Counsel to determine whether such release is appropriate.
    2. All such data released shall be specifically requested using the “Request New Footage” form. The person(s) to whom the data is provided shall be required to sign a Video Export Receipt form to acknowledge receipt of access to, or copies of, the data, together with an acknowledgement of any limitations or restrictions on the release and any re-release.
    3. Each campus unit, whether or not it actually has electronic surveillance  devices (ESS), that receives a request, demand, subpoena, court order, or any other type of request for the disclosure, release or use of ESS data shall immediately contact the STC Chair and shall secure, maintain and preserve in a secure location any data that is in the unit’s possession or control, pending the outcome of the matter.
    4. Where such requests take the form of subpoenas or other legal documents compelling production, the responsibility for responding to requests rests with the Office of the General Counsel.

Do you have camera(s) that are offline?
Are your cameras out of focus, dirty, or not aimed correctly?
Is your Client software acting up making it difficult to view your cameras?

If you have any of these concerns or any other relating to the functioning of the cameras you are approved to view, please fill out this “Security Camera Maintenance” form.
Your request will go straight to the administrator of the system and that person will dispatch a technician to evaluate the situation.  You will receive communication regarding the status of your request.

Video Search & Export


Qognify (QVMS)

Export Function